Founded in 2005. It is recognized for the quality of its teaching, research, and unique curriculum
Brooklyn Institute is located in: 333 Texas Street, Suite 1300, Shreveport, Louisiana, 71101, United States of America.
Has a rich history of global engagement, with a global footprint that today spans seven major international regions. Our collaborations with organizations, universities, and government agencies help shape the perspective and knowledge of business leaders throughout the world and enrich our work online or at the campus. Our collaborations with organizations, universities, and government agencies help shape the perspective and knowledge of business leaders throughout the world and enrich our work at home on campus or online. Our global reach reflects the Institute's emphasis on learning by doing and innovation through collaboration.
The breadth and depth of these relationships range from formal partner programs with academic and research institutions in key regions around the world to academic and industry conferences, Action Learning projects, and other ventures that facilitate cross-cultural exposure and idea-sharing. Brooklyn Institute draws on its international convening power to bring thought leaders together to affect global management practices and improve the world.
Brooklyn Institute ranking is 126 of the USA top business schools according to International Organization for Quality Accreditation.
The Secretary of State of Delaware issued a certificate for BROOKLYNINSTITUTE LLC whose file number is 7212789, under request number 20194728298 for authentication number 202914378
The leadership team at Brooklyn Institute is committed to upholding and promoting the mission of the Institute: to develop principled, innovative leaders who improve the world and to generate ideas that advance management practice.
With their diverse backgrounds and perspectives, the Dean, the members of the Office of the Dean, the Dean’s Leadership Council, and the Brooklyn Institute Executive boards work together to lead the Institute forward, supporting the faculty and staff, spearheading a host of new projects and initiatives on campus and around the world, and building and sustaining the collaborative, inclusive environment for students that encourages learning and invention.